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The House Of Orange Nassau

Dutch Fondness for Royalty

The House of Orange-Nassau

Orange Above is a Dutch pro-monarchy folk song that embodies the country's affection for the royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau. This beloved melody has become a symbol of national pride and unity, celebrating the deep bond between the Dutch people and their monarchy.

Historical Significance

The song dates back to the 16th century, during the Dutch revolt against Spanish rule. It served as a rallying cry for the Dutch rebels, who adopted the color orange as a symbol of their cause and the House of Orange-Nassau. Over time, the song's lyrics have evolved to express admiration for the monarchy and loyalty to the royal family.

Today, Orange Above is a cherished part of Dutch culture. It is sung at national events, sporting matches, and by choirs across the country. Its enduring popularity reflects the Dutch people's enduring fondness for their royal family, a sentiment that continues to inspire pride and unity among its citizens.
